Friday, July 3, 2009



Note: We are not making any curable claims through these testimonials. These are personal experiences with Amega products and may give you different results. No therapeutic claims!

Some readers still not believe that Amega products can cure many illnesses.
Stroke, Mama Laurent

Mama Laurent, recovering from a mild stroke after wearing Amega bracelet in about 10 minutes. Mama Laurent became so popular in Indonesia and even the world, after one of his predictions of disaster in the South Coast of Java Island was actually happening. Many invitations from several private television attended the event. His predictions has become the attention of many parties. Mom had suffered a mild stroke. By his friends at that time, directly charged Amega Global bracelet on his wrist. And in about ten minutes, he had recovered. Now, Mama Laurent so keen to introduce the Global Amega bracelets have saved it to his companions.

Stiff neck & feet

Neck can not in Turn, legs can not bend. Yohani, 66 years old Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan, Gg. KH Ahmad Dahlan, Gg. Ruper-2, No. Ruper-2, no. 43, Pontianak. At first I never imagined, I suffered pain can be cured. It's the last 4 years, my neck could not be averted. If you want to look at something in addition, agencies must come play, because if I push it, very sore neck. My legs are also very stiff, if bent felt very ill. My kid bought one Amega bracelets. After a week of use, it can not be trusted. My neck did not ache anymore when turned, and without realizing it could be bent my legs a little, although not a hundred percent normal.

Diabetes, wetting every night
Diabetes, ngompol tiap malam

Ustad Umar, 42 years, Hall Gana, Sintang, West Kalimantan. Diabetes yg I experienced was very severe.
Every night when sleeping (sorry) I was always wet. Hal tersebut terjadi begitu saja tanpa saya sadari. It just happened without me knowing it. Left to Kuching (Malaysia), I had to hold my urine in a bottle Aqua tsb, because every 20-30 minutes to remove water. When you first use Amega bracelet, I like there dibadan moving object. After 5 days, my body often feels tired so fresh and more powerful. . Usually when I hoe dikebun, the longest was 30 minutes to rest, it can be 3 hours non-stop. When to Kuching again, I just urinated in Entikong (from Sintang, about 4 hours).
Head sweating, leg pain

Amina, 63, Jalan Waru-4, Pontianak. I'm having Calcification on foot, each time walking, so painful, so to walk, had to use a cane. In addition, every night when he slept, I slept with a pillow that is always wet with sweat that came out of my head., Because the sweat that came out a lot. After wearing Amega bracelet for 3 weeks. Pain in my legs began to decrease. And that I never imagined, the sweat that came out of my head while sleeping stop completely. It's very magical. Now I no longer need to keep turning the pillow in the middle of the night.

Asthma, stiff hand, obesity

Boenarto, 66 tahun, Jalan Waru-4, Pontianak. At first I had a stiff on his hands and always felt sick, this long-standing. In addition, I also have asthma, so rarely activity, because sooner exhausted. One week after wearing Amega bracelets, pain in the hand began to decrease. After 1 month, my hands stiff initially, returned to normal. Asthma also never recur again, the condition of the body was so fit, not tired anymore., One day when he will attend the wedding of a friend of the child. What a surprise, my pants size 38 can not be used, loosely. I weigh my weight, was down 4 pounds.

Polyps, do not need surgery

Polyps recovered in 2 days, Anga Purdika, 20 yrs, Student, Jl Prof Dr Hamka, Gg. Nilam V/12, Pontianak. Ever since the age of 12 years I suffered from nasal polyps on the left and right. When the cold weather, the pain was very sharp in the nose, until the tears. Go to any mall, I rarely do. Because even though the cold that came out of the AC, the pain still comes. The plan in the near future I will be operated. After wearing Amega bracelet for 2 days, my surprise. Pain is usually attacked when the cold weather, I do not feel anymore. Even out in the rain, do not hurt anymore. Now I was able to Mall as one likes me, without fear of nose pain again. And encouraging, so I'm not in operation. Gelang Amega has freed me from prolonged suffering.

Migraine, facial kesemuta

Nelly, 50 years old. Jl Gading Mas Barat VIII, Block H.27, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. I suffer from migraines and the side of my face often feels numb. This I have experienced quite a while. One day, my husband came home from out of town with Amega bracelet and asked me to wear these bracelets. Dozens of minutes used, hands and feet-I was carried away nyutan. This reaction I had never imagined, so soon! Within 3 days my migraines disappeared, and my face does not feel awkward anymore.

Migraine, Ambein, Asthma

SRI PURWANTI, 32 years, Regional Manager, Jakarta. Because I have a migraine yg idap long, causing sleepless nights, and so interfere with daily activities in running a very solid reply. I am so stressed, physically weakened and finally my ulcer recurrence. I have visited many doctors, acupuncture, including electrical therapy, but to no avail. Finally I tried Amega bracelets. I use 1 week, I lost my nausea, migraine 2 weeks recovery. And my hemorrhoid unwittingly improved after one month of use. My child also suffered from asthma. Every night is always coughing, so hard to sleep. Amega bracelet I wear the ankle. Incredibly, within half an hour, she began to sleep soundly.

Bule Back Brown

When I was 6 years I suffered from severe liver disease. After seeing doctors, I was healed. Maybe drugs given doctors too hard to cause side effects, namely the loss of function of my pigment. Since then my skin color to white / Caucasians, including the hair. I've examined kemana2 & doctors can not cure me. November 2006, after a dozen years. My brother introduced Amega bracelets. After I use for 3 weeks, "MAGIC" chocolate bercak2 arise in my face and hands. 4 months now I have used, my face is almost entirely brown, back home, and has black hair back.

Cholesterol, swelling, and stamina

Harry. Because cholesterol is rather high, each up in the morning my neck was tense. Also in my legs also bonjolan, when defecating, was very disturbing. After wearing the bracelet Amega Global, gradually I became a normal cholesterol, and a lump in the leg missing. My stamina is also increased. If you usually work from morning till 8 at night was so tired, now working up to 11 hours of the night was still feeling fit.


Mariana, 52 years old, Denpasar - Bali. End of February 2007, I suffered a mild stroke, to stand up and very difficult road. If I lay down facing to the left, then there must be other people who helped me turn around facing the right. One day a friend came and asked me wearing Amega bracelet. At first I refused and said it was useless, but because I was finally forced to wear as well. After I put a few hours, was back and my legs started to move. I do not believe it. Then I try to walk, slowly at first, but strangely I can walk fast. I tried to squat stand ... .. Can! Two days later I was able to walk, and now it's playing tennis again.

Sleeping so soundly, the weight dropped 13 kg

Hj. Idha Syahida, 50 Years, Entrepreneur, Restautan, Café, and boutiques. Every night I wake up 4-5 times, and had to go to the bathroom to urinate. After wearing Amega bracelet, I slept so soundly, do not wake up again until you hear Adhan My original weight 96 pounds, now down to 83 kg. Whereas before I've tried other products, but my weight does not go down and down.

Colds & hand can be reappointed

DR H. DR H. Budiman H. Budiman H. Muzah, MS (PH), Pegawai Dinas Kesehatan, Riau . Muzah, MS (PH), Employee Health Service, Riau. Suatu hari pak Roberto mengunjungi saya yg sedang sakit. One day I visited Roberto pack was ill reply. Saya sakit flu dan hidung saya berair. I had the flu and my nose runny. Saya disuruh memakai gelang Amega, ditempelkan dekat hidung. I was told to wear Amega bracelet, attached near the nose. Dalam sekejap, pilek saya berhenti. In an instant, I stopped cold. Kemudian gelang itu dipinjamkan pada saya. Then lent the bracelet to me. Keesokan harinya saya sudah sembuh. The next day I was cured. Di rumah, saya sering memakai kaos oblong. At home, I often wear T-shirts. Selama ini tangan saya tidak bisa diangkat kalau memakai kaos. So far, my hands can not be appointed if wearing t-shirts. Anehnya hanya dengan memakai gelang Amega, keesokan harinya saya sudah dapat memakai kaos sendir Strangely only with Amega bracelet, the next day I was able to wear T-shirts Sendir

Low blood, migraine, sinusitis

Rita Ellen Polin, Jakarta. Semula saya menderita migrain, dan sering kram, meyebabkan saya susah tidur. Rita Ellen Polin, Jakarta. At first I suffered from migraines, and frequent cramps, I was led to disturbed sleep. Juga tekanan darah rendah. Also, low blood pressure. Setelah memakai gelang Amega selama 2 minggu, tekanan darah saya menjadi normal, kram tidak datang lagi dan migrain juga tidak terasa lagi. After wearing Amega bracelet for 2 weeks, my blood pressure became normal, cramps did not come back and migraine did not feel anymore. Sekarang saya dapat tidur dengan nyenyak. Now I can sleep soundly. Selain itu sinusitis yang saya idap sejak lama juga sembuh. Also my sinusitis long idap also recovered. Teman saya yang stroke setelah memakai gelang Amega, bisa berjalan kembali. My friend who stroke after wearing Amega bracelets, could walk again.

Kidney stones, high blood

IRIADI, kontraktor Saya mengalami masalah ginjal dan setiap hari harus minum obat. IRIADI, the contractor I am having kidney problems and every day to take medicine. Setelah satu minggu memakai gelang Amega, saya sudah tidak mengkonsumsi obat lagi. After one week of wearing Amega bracelet, I was not taking drugs anymore. 2 bulan kemudian, saat buang air kecil, saya rasakan ada benda yg menyumbat, kemudian keluar. 2 months later, when urinating, I felt there innards clog, then exit. Saya tidak percaya, kalau dengan memakai gelang Amega, juga dapat mengeluarkan batu ginjal. I do not believe, that by wearing Amega bracelet, also can remove kidney stones. Ibu saya menderita darah tinggi, setelah memakai gelang Amega seluruh tubuhnya teras sakit, 2 hari kemudian sakit itu hilang,. My mother suffered from high blood pressure, after wearing a bracelet around her patio Amega sick, sick 2 days later it was gone,. Sekarang dia sudah sehat, darah tingginya tidak kumat lagi dan boleh mengkonsumsi ikan asin, kopi dsbnya Now he's healthy, high blood no longer recurrence and may consume salted fish, coffee etc.

Sex, shortness of breath, pain during menstruation

Eddy Cia, Networker. Saya sudah menikah selama 18 tahun. Eddy Cia, Networker. I have been married for 18 years. Suatu hari (maaf), sehabis berhubungan, istri saya menanyakan apakah saya minum obat (kuat) ? One day (sorry), after touch, my wife asked me if I take medication (strong)? Saya jawab tidak. I said no. (Itu adalah salah satu efek dari memakai gelang Amega). (That is one of the effects of wearing Amega bracelets). Saya juga mengalami sesak nafas, sekarang sudah 29 hari saya memakai gelang Amega, dan sesak nafas saya tak pernah datang lagi. I also experienced shortness of breath, it's 29 days I have a bracelet Amega, and shortness of breath I never come again. Istri saya setiap datang bulan, pinggulnya sering sakit dan leher terasa pegal. My wife comes every month, hip and neck pain often felt sore. Setelah memakai gelang Amega, datang bulan sudah tidak ada keluhan. After wearing Amega bracelet, comes the moon had no complaints.

Uric acid, strokes, pinched nerves

FRANKY IRAWAN, Designer grafis. Saya menderita asam urat. FRANKY IRAWAN, Graphic Designer. I suffer from gout. Setelah memakai gelang Amega, dalam dalam 2 hari, badan saya tidak sakit lagi, dan sampai sekarang tidak pernah kambuh. After wearing Amega bracelet, within the 2 days, my body does not hurt anymore, and until now have never recur. Mama saya, urat punggungnya terjepit. My mom, back muscles squeezed. Setelah pakai gelang Amega beberapa hari, sudah dapat berjalan kembali. After wearing Amega bracelets a few days, was able to walk again. Seorang teman saya, berumur 35 tahun terserang stroke sudah 3 tahun. A friend of mine, 35-year-old had a stroke 3 years. Tangan & kakinya kaku, kesemutan, dan susah digerakkan. Hands & feet numb, tingling, and hard-driven. Setengah jam setelah memakai gelang Amega, kakinya perlahan-lahan mulai bisa dibuka. Half an hour after wearing the bracelet Amega, his legs slowly began to open.

Difficulty sleeping, numbness hands

Ahmad Asysyura Renas, Malaysia. Tiap malam saya sulit tidur, rata – rata tidur efektif hanya 1-2 jam saja. Ahmad Asysyura Renas, Malaysia. Every night I have trouble sleeping, on average - the average effective sleep only 1-2 hours. Saat bangun sering terasa kehilangan tangan, kesemutan, seperti mati rasa. We woke up often seemed to lose his hands, tingling, like numb. Setelah memakai gelang Amega selama 2 hari, kesemutan itu hilang. After wearing Amega bracelet for 2 days, tingling was gone. Sekarang saya sudah dapat tidur dengan nyenyak. Now I can sleep well.

Increases stamina, rheumatism

Kevin Drian Lie, General Manager. Pertama kali saat demo saya tidak percaya. Torrent Kevin Lie, General Manager. The first time when my demo did not believe it. Mana mungkin dengan memakai gelang Amega, dapat menambah tenaga seketika. How could the Amega bracelet, can add instant energy. Seperti magic saja. Just like magic. Setelah memakai, saya buktikan sendiri, saya baru percaya. After use, I prove myself, I just believe it. Saya suka berolahraga, ketika memakai gelang Amega, saya rasakan stamina bertambah. I like to exercise, when wearing Amega bracelet, I feel your stamina increases. Biasanya setelah berolahraga, keesokan harinya saat bangun tangan dan dada saya sedikit sakit, sekarang tidak lagi. Usually after exercise, the next morning when I woke up my arms and chest a little sick, not anymore. Ibu saya yang menderita rematik di tangan dan jempol kiri, juga sembuh setelah memakai gelang Amega. My mother is suffering from arthritis in the hand and left thumb, was also recovered after Amega bracelet.

Stroke 4.5 months ago

Gary Soon, 55 tahun, Selangor, Malaysia. Mengalami stroke 4,5 bulan yang lalu. Soon Gary, 55 years, Selangor, Malaysia. Having a stroke 4.5 months ago. Hanya 2 jam setelah memakai gelang Amega, saya sudah bisa berjalan. Only 2 hours after wearing Amega bracelet, I was able to walk. Rasanya ajaib sekali, kaki jadi bertenaga. It was so magical, so powerful legs. Kesemutan yang saya rasakan di tangan juga hilang. I felt a tingling sensation in the hand is also lost. Dulunya saya tidak berani berdiri, sekarang saya sudah dapat berjalan dengan menggunakan tongkat. I once did not dare stand up, now I was able to walk with a cane. Biasanya, saya cek up ke dokter 3 kali seminggu. Usually, I check up the doctor 3 times a week. Sekarang dokter bilang, cukup 2 kali. Now doctors say, just 2 times. Bahkan bila perkembangannya baik, saya cukup mengunjunginya seminggu sekali, atau bahkan tidak perlu. Even if a good development, I was visited once a week, or even unnecessary.


Mary Rosnani Bt Arifin, 48 tahun, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. Saya menderita sakit maag lebih dari 15 tahun. Mary Rosnani Bt Arifin, 48 years old, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. I suffer from stomach ulcers for more than 15 years. Bermacam-macam obat dan pengobatan tradisional telah saya lakukan. Various traditional medicines and treatments I had done. Tetapi tetap tidak menyembuhkan saya. But it still did not heal me. Kemudian saya bertemu seorang teman. Then I met a friend. Dia menyarankan saya memakai gelang Amega. He suggested I wear Amega bracelet. Dalam 3 hari Saja, penyakit maag saya sudah berkurang. Only in 3 days, my ulcer disease has decreased. Sampai sekarang maag saya sudah sembuh sepenuhnya. Until now my ulcer had healed completely.

Leg pain for 14 years

JANAKI IPOH, Malaysia. Kecelakaan mengakibatkan kehancuran pada kaki kanan saya. Janaki Ipoh, Malaysia. The accident resulted in the destruction of my right leg. Selama 14 tahun saya selalu kesakitan. During the 14 years I was always in pain. Tiap hari harus mengkomsumsi 6-8 kapsul pereda nyeri. Every day should be consuming 6-8 capsules pain. Saya juga mencoba banyak pengobatan herbal. I also tried many herbal remedies. Tetapi tidak menghilangkan rasa sakit saya. But does not eliminate my pain. Siang dan malam saya dalam kesakitan. Day and night I was in pain. Hidupku penuh penderitaan. My life is full of suffering. Februari lalu, saya mulai menggunakan gelang Amega, saya temukan perubahan besar. Last February, I started using Amega bracelet, I found a big change. Hanya sehari memakainya, rasa sakit terasa berkurang banyak dan tenaga saya bertambah. Just one day wear, the pain was lessened a lot and my energy increased. Keesokan harinya saya hanya mengkonsumsi 1 kapsul obat pereda nyeri. The next day I only take 1 capsule pain medication. Seminggu kemudian saya sudah berhenti mengkonsumsinya. A week later I had stopped to consume them. Ini suatu mujizat. This is a miracle. Sekarang hidup saya terasa begitu menyenangkan. Now my life feels so nice.

Neck pain

Gunaseelan Karuppannah, Manager. Telah menggunakan gelang Amega selama 6 bulan. Gunaseelan Karuppannah, Manager. Amega bracelets have been used for 6 months. Sebelumnya saya mengalami sakit leher, sangat sering. Previously, I had a sore throat, very often. Sakit itu terasa saat saya mengemudi, duduk, ataupun saat bangun tidur. Pain is felt when I was driving, sitting, or when waking up. Kemudian seorang teman mengenal kan gelang Amega pada saya. Then a friend's bracelet Amega know me. Sejauh ini, setelah 6 bulan memakainya, saya tidak mengalami kesakitan itu lagi. So far, after 6 months of use, I did not experience that pain again. Gelang Amega telah membantu mengatasi rasa sakit saya Gelang Amega has helped me overcome pain

Stronger than the young

Tuiran Bin Tangat, 54 tahun, Pegawai Imigrasi, Malaysia. Sebagai pegawai imigrasi, saya sering naik-turun kapal-kapal besar. Tuiran Bin Tangat, 54 years, clerk of Immigration, Malaysia. As an employee of immigration, I often rise and fall of big ships. Menaiki banyak anak tangga yang tingginya sama dengan rumah tingkat 4. Climbed many stairs as high as the 4-level house. Setelah memakai gelang Amega, saya tidak merasakan capek lagi. After wearing Amega bracelet, I did not feel tired anymore. Padahal teman sekerja saya yang jauh lebih muda, napasnya terengah-engah. And my coworker who was much younger, panting. Tetapi saya tetap bugar. But I stay in shape. Saya juga kenakan gelang Amega pada anak saya yang menderita asma. I also put on the Amega bracelet my child with asthma. Semula ibunya tidak percaya, tetapi setelah beberapa lama, anak saya sembuh. At first she did not believe it, but after a while, my son recovered.


I was having chronic headache and leg pain. And I was unable to stand even for 10 minutes. But after using the Titanium Bracelet, I am able to stand and do my work continuously for more than 2 hours. Thanks to Amega for this fantastic product."
Mrs.Shiamala, Chennai

I am using Amega products (bracelet and AMWand). These products have brought cheers in my life. I feel highly energized seeing my family memebers full of energy. The AMWand has helped me to energise myself to a higher level and helped me in my meditation and also in healing my family and patients.
Dr.Vijay Mavinkurve,Valsad

I have used the Amega Amwandand bracelets with my loved ones, friends and myself. I am amazed with the fantastic results from those who have used the products. So far, it has improved sleeping problems, constipation, indigestion, arthritis and various kinds of aches and pains. I even used the Amwand on my plants and they become healthier. I am very happy that Amega has brought my family and friends many health benefits, in addition to giving me an income.
WendyYeo, Singapore

I bought a Platinum Package two weeks ago and frankly I did not have any faith at all. Currently I have arthritis and I’m always in pain. I went for X-ray and the doctor told me that I have a torn cartilage. I have already spent about $2000 (or more) on this problem and I was very disappointed that the doctor could not help me but asked me to wear special shoe.
I then decided to come to Amega and I asked Wendy to show me how to use the AMwand to treat my pain. She did the whole process of treatment with the AMwand for about 20 minutes and my pain was completely gone. I am amazed how fast the AMwand worked.
I now have complete faith in the Amega Products

Agnes Chong nee Khng, Singapore

When I started wearing my AMpendant what an amazing effect I got - I can feel the energy force from it as my blood circulation is better and I noticed that my face and skin has become more flawless and radiant. Not just that. The texture of my face is supple and smoother.As for the use of the titanium bracelet – it not only helped in my recovery for my knee injury. I noticed that the pain which was persistent - has all gone and I can walk without any pain. Moreover, movement has become easier too!They even tried it on a friend who has knee problems. What I did was - I placed my bracelet over her knee for half an hour. It is so amazing. She told me that all her pain went – as a result she bought a few titanium bracelets for her family members too!
Yoong Siew Ying Singapore

My eldest son sustained a 10cm cut on his right leg calf and was bleeding profusely. It was on a Sunday evening and we paid $50 for treatment and was advised to go back for treatment after five days. I began applying the meridian oil around the wound, used the Amwand and asked him to use the bracelet. For the first night, my son commented that he slept without feeling any pain. By Wednesday, the wound closed up by 8cm. In two days thereafter the wound completely healed. Amazing.
Paul Anthony Fernandez, Singapore

I was first introduced to Amega products by my good friend and brother–in-law. At first I was really skeptical about the effects or benefits of this product. However through the insistence of my brother-in-law, I sat through all the talk and even participated in the strength test.I became really convinced when one of the senior members of Amega (Mr. Ragu) realized I have knee joint problem which had been tormenting me the past three years.
Before, I could not walk up the stairs without severe pain but Mr. Ragu used the AMwand to “work magic” on my knee trouble and I began to feel a difference immediately after his first treatment. I reported this to them and went home. The real healing took place during the night and I felt a surge or energy in my legs and I could literally run up and down the stairs.
I immediately signed up as platinum member and now helping others show I care about feeling the benefits of Amega. Thank you Amega

Renganathan, Singapore
My name is Subatra, I have been an asthmatic patient for the past 10 Years, I used to use an inhaler to help my breathing but after using the bracelet, my asthma was cured. Thank you so much to Amega Global for healing my asthma.
My Father had a bad joint problem, all the time he took the supplement for his joint, but none of them could cure him. By using the Amega Bracelet, he has recovered from his joint problem, and it really works for my Dad too. Thank you Amega Global
Before I wore the bracelet, my right leg couldn’t take cold water because it would be painful. After I started wearing it for three weeks, my right leg no longer suffered the effects of pain even though I soaked it in the cold water. And now, not only the pain disappeared; I am also full of energy from day to day. When I wore the Bracelet and use the AmWand. I now am able to exercise more - such as jogging, walking, playing football, playing badminton, I don’t get tired easily but just get even stronger. I bought the bracelet and Ampendant for my son, and he wears it now. Even he has noticed that he has more energy after school which is very late. He even has a good energy to play and exercise after school, he loves the Am Pendant very much. Thank You.
Foo Casey Loop, Malaysia


My body immune system has improved, I do not get tired easily, I have lots more energy and since I have used Amega Product, I hardly get sick. Now I can continue my studies in the University and I can help my parents and many other people.Thank you. I wish Amega all the best.
Adil Al Dinauri

Dialysis "Kidney Disease"

My Personal & true to life testimony on the beneficial effects of Amega Global Titanium Bracelet.

Last December 3, 2008, I was convinced by my direct upline RITZWELLNESS to attend a Business Presentation of Amega Global, LLC. My upline really brought me to Business presentation that very evening. He was so positive that my Kidney Disease can be healed and improved by using this Amega Bracelet especially on my battered body thru 2 times Dialysis per week.

Yes its true that I have spend more than 300,000 pesos for over a year of scheduled monotous twice a week “Dialysis”. This has bruised and blackened my skin particularly my left arm. It is full of needle pricks and black bruises.
So it was convinced after that clear presentation of Mr. Roger Salarzon, Blue Diamond Upline all the beautiful benefits that the bracelet could bring to our health. So I have purchase bioengergetic Bracelet. Since then I have been wearing my Bracelet all the time.

As you could see before, my face was so gloomy and my full of dark spots and my left arm was so blue and bruised because of “Dialysis.” Since that time I wore my Amega bracelet, my general appearance has improved, my blood pressure has been normal and most of all, my “Dialysis” has been reduced to once a week and I have a better feeling on my general well-being.

I am presently trying to convince people with this Kidney disease to try using this bracelet for better improvement on their kidney disease and work out the business for more financial freedom. Thanks to God and my Amega Titanium bracelet.

Cebu City, Philippines


On the third week of June 2008, I met my friend, Arch't. Rito Espinueva whom I learned to be connected with AMEGA GLOBAL.

We talked about just anything under the sun, but later boiled down to the topic on getting older and having ailments. He tried to convince me about the benefits of wearing AMEGA BRACELET and persuaded me to attend the seminar and actual demonstration session.

I acceded to his invitation and truly I was totally surprised and impressed of what I had observed during the demo. More so upon hearing the testimonies. So after 3 days I decided to go back to the office and bought one bracelet.

Years ago, I have observed cysts growing on some parts of my body like one on the left side of my buttocks, one under my left armpit and another was on my right dorsal wrist. But that which is found on my wrist bothered me so much. Like, it won’t take me long to hold broom for a couple of minutes- immediately it will cause me an irresistible pain. So I decided to have it removed through surgery. But after 1 or 2 years the cyst reappeared again which the surgeon had pre-cautioned me earlier.

Aside from the cysts, I also suffered arthritis in my fingers which I have learned to accept because I believed that there is no more remedy for it. Not only that, I also suffered vertigo and was hospitalized for it.

When I reached home from the AMEGA GLOBAL OFFICE here in Cebu, I immediately placed my newly bought bracelet on my fingers because at that time it was in pain. To my surprise after one hour it partially alleviated the pain and after one day the pain has totally disappeared.
I continually wear my bracelet at all times of the day removing it only when I take a bath. After almost seven months of wearing my AMEGA BRACELET my cysts, vertigo and my arthritis has no longer bothered me anymore.

Thanks for the discovery of this wonderful product, the AMEGA BRACELET. I feel very healthy, I feel young and for me, I look 60.

Cambaro, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines


Mar 24, '09 6:00 AMfor everyone

Being a science professor for almost 4 decades already, I am a strong believer of the field of medical science. In fact, I am very conscientious and follows religiously schedules for my medical checkup and in taking my prescribed medicine no matter how expensive it may be.

My experience with AMEGA BRACELET began last July 2008 when my husband, Arch't. FELIPE E. CABRERA, who was a new member then persuaded me to wear his newly bought AMEGA BRACELET on my way to the dentist for a scheduled tooth extraction. My husband truly believe in the bracelets' power of healing. It took the dentist a longer time to extract my tooth. He explained that the root of my tooth is positioned in a way that it wedged the adjacent tooth. After the session, I was surprised that my feeling was different from my previous extraction experience ----less blood, no pain, no bloating. And I attributed it to the AMEGA BRACELET that I was wearing during the session.

Believing in its power, I decided to buy my own AMEGA BRACELET in the last week of July 2008. And hoping to find too solutions to my other ailments.

I have never experienced asthma in my life, not until my late 30's. When suddenly I felt short of breathe after filtering formalin the whole day for my laboratory classes. I was treated for it but since then on I cannot sleep comfortably without using 3 piles of pillows.

In my middle 40's, I was diagnose to have low oxygen supply in my heart. For almost 15 years I have sacrificed and endured buying and taking the prescribed sets of expensive medicine, prioritizing it apart from other needs plus regular checkups.

Since I had my AMEGA BRACELET, I wear it throughout the day and removed it from my body only when I take a bath. Sometimes, at nighttime before I sleep, I used to place it in my breast, close to my heart using a masking tape. I only stopped when my skin was already irritated due to constant removal of the masking tape. Sometimes too, my husband would offer his bracelet to let me wear at night, so I'd be using 2 bracelets.

Last January 2009, I was scheduled for another check up—stress test and other laboratory tests--- to possibly find out the extent of my heart condition. To my surprise, my heart specialist advised me to stop taking my medicine. The laboratory results no longer showed that I have low oxygen supply in my heart.

Now after seven months of wearing AMEGA BRACELET I can sleep comfortably again with only one pillow, and I can save money from buying those expensive medicine for my heart.

Thank Heavens! And thank AMEGA BRACELET! for freeing me from those ailments.

Cambaro , Mandaue City 6014


Mar 24, '09 12:27 AMfor everyone

I am really amazed at what the Amega bracelet has done to alleviate my ailments.
For my high blood pressure - While wearing the bracelet, my blood pressure has become normal. I am taking Isoptin SR and Cozaar as my daily maintenance for my hypertension, but for several days now I did not take my medication anymore and still my blood pressure has become normal.
For my joint pains at the elbow due to arthritis -- After wearing the bracelet at my right arm for several days, the pain is gone.
For the throbbing pain at the calf of my right leg - I wore the bracelet at my right leg while sleeping and after three days, the pain is gone and has not recurred until now.
For my colds - I had a running nose due to colds. I placed the bracelet on top of my nose while sleeping. When I woke up, my colds was gone.
For my malaise- Every morning when I wake up, I feel so tired and my body aches all over, maybe because of my diabetes and arthritis. But after I started wearing the bracelet even in my sleep. I feel energized and the tired feeling is gone. I feel refreshed when I wake up in the morning and I'm still energetic at the end of the day. When I climb the stairs, I don't feel out of breath anymore. I could walk faster and cover a longer distance without getting tired and gasping for breath.
For my insomnia - I just place the bracelet on top of my forehead and I sleep very soundly and wake up very refreshed.
For the cyst on my left neck – The cyst has become smaller.
For my diabetes - I don't feel sleepy, tired and always thirsty anymore because my blood sugar has lowered.
For my ear ache - I placed the bracelet near my ear for several days and the ache was gone.
Really, the Amega bracelet is a wonder of modern science. It's marvelous!!!

Bulacao, Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines
56 years old

My name is DAVID SANJAYA, I am 44 years old.
I am trained as a Civil Engineer. I worked as Planning Director at Contracting Company for 20 years. I first heard about the AMEGA Bracelet in August 2006 in Batam, Indonesia from Ms Gunarni and Mr Dominggo Manuel. I have always had rheumatism, since I was young, in my right hand which means it was hard to move my hand. It ached.
After using Amega Bracelet for 15 minutes, my hand moved easily, and the pain reduced. Now my rheumatism pain has Totally disappeared. After seeing a lot of fantastic testimonials about the products, I decided to do Amega Business as a part time and side job.
But the business really took off and now Amega Business is my main career and business. Surprised, I get a lot of Bonuses, I made approximately 500.000 USD in only Two Years. What other normal and full time job pays you that and lets you achieve that?
Now I have Two NEW Mercedes C200, A New House, and New Apartment too. My dream is to help Make Everybody in the World as Successful as me.
Thank you AMEGA.
Join us and make YOUR dreams come true too!
David AnjayaIndonesia
I was in great physical pain with my right ankle. Due to arthritis I walked around like an old man. Maybe 10-15 feet then stopping. Told my wife Linda I need a cane. She said “try this pendant” I said “sure” but forgot about it. I took the chain off and placed it in my sock. Figured I’d give it a try. Wow! First weekend I was walking again. Two weeks after and I actually walked at a decent pace….It has been Two months (the last 6 weeks I have worn it as a necklace) and I am now being told to slow down!
P.S. The pain was with me for 2-3 years. It wasn’t something new.
Harry EmmelUSA
I thank you and the inventors for the Amega products expecially the Amwand.
About two and a half months’ ago I was introduced to the Amwand and the Bracelets. As I am a Health Practitioner and I do understand the benefits of energy medicine, I was quite open to the idea of trying them out for my customers and loved ones.
At the time, I thought this is only a small bracelet that costs relatively little. It may take sometime to see results. I bought a few bracelets for my family and customers and I told them to be patient and wear it for a period. Within a period of 7 – 10 days I was delighted and amazed to receive good reports about the efficacy of the bracelets. Some reported that they had insomnia and from day one they slept very well, some with constipation problem have been relieved; others had arthritis and their joint pains were gone. Within my family everyone had benefitted from relief of joint pains to increased in energy.
What pleases me most was my mum, a dementia whose condition has now improved tremendously. Her senses and memory have become better within a short period of time after wearing the Am Pendant.
However, my friend Derek Chew’s use of Amwand on a sick cat was most awesome. The cat had a big tumuor (the size of a tennis ball) and Derek had booked an appointment with the vet to put her to sleep. The cat accordingly to him was already almost lifeless and could not eat or walk. He and his wife thought that since the Amwand had helped many sick patients to recover, may be it could also help the cat in some ways. So they spinned the Amwand on the cat for about 20 minutes but still was prepared to put the cat to sleep the next day as the appointment with the vet had been arranged.
When Derek took his cage to bring the cat to the vet the next day, the cat came running to him fully alive and was able to play with Derek again. Seeing this, Derek and his wife cancelled the appointment with the vet and decided to continue to treat the cat with the Amwand for the next 10 days. Within that 10 days the tumuor cannot be seen at all. Wow, wow!!! I could not believe it and these were the photos taken before and after the treatment of the cat.
I would certainly encourage those with aches and pains to give it a go and those health seekers who wish to have better health to try the bracelets, Am Pendant and AmWand.
Thank you all once again for giving us better health through your amazing products!
Wendy YeozHerbalist
I started in Amega three years ago together with my partner Joel Tesoro, originally we were a group of seven leaders who pioneered the Amega business here in the Philippines but it was not an easy start for all of us and for some reasons five of our partners left us. But I decided to pursue the business with Joel optimistic that one day things will turn out well.
After persevering and continuously working to make things happen for us here in the Philippines. We finally took off and 2007 was the start of our Amega success, having top leaders and new business partners, we were able to grow very fast and were able to have partners in other countries as well Qatar, including Indonesia, Hongkong, Saudi Arabia, United States, Europe and many more worldwide, truly we are starting to realize our dreams.
Because of Amega I was able to acquire properties like my own Condo Unit located in one of the most expensive places here in the Philippines, acquired 2 new Cars, redeem 10 pieces of 1 carat diamonds and most of all I was able to travel around the world with my family. Just recently I travelled with my parents to the United States of America. I truly made them proud of me. With the recession in the States, we can still afford to buy the things we want.
Every business has its ups and downs and success is not an overnight thing to achieve, I’ve learned that patience really pays, everything is possible but attitude is the main key to achieving your dreams together with the help of everyone: everything is attainable.Let us all work to achieving our dreams it is indeed true that in Amega we can achieve good health, abundance and true Happiness so make your every day your Amega Day!!!
Genghis Cua
I have been constipated for years – everybody knows it – I have tried diets, exercise, drinking more – but I just cant go. My family thinks its funny – it isn’t. Its embarrassing.My brother bought some Amega products home one day, ‘hey you gotta try these – they’re great.This will sort you out.’ I laughed at him – It looks like a normal bracelet to me. But you gotta try haven’t you? I’m not convinced but I put it on. Looks good. Worst case my brother bought me a nice bracelet I think. He also waved his AMwand at me.
I didn’t notice anything for the first day except I had a headache…and that got worse but I didn’t take the bracelet off…then the next day I felt a strange thing. I had to RUSH to the toilet and was in there for ages. I think I must have lost about 3lbs of waste. I couldn’t believe it. And it went on for days like this. My brother said the headache was my body detoxing itself..well I saw the result. Now I wont take the bracelet off. NO WAY. Now I am an Amegan.
Cindy RUSA
I have been an Aromatherapist for more than 20 years now and was recently given some of the Amega Massage Oils to try in my practice. Firstly I would like to say that they are wonderful and obviously the health benefits are increased too through the additional natural energy enhancement of the product. I was so impressed that I started buying more products (including the bracelets and the EGA products) and now recommend these natural health products to my clients. I have an additional revenue source for myself as well as the pleasure in knowing that I am helping my clients further. They win, I win. Amega - FANTASTIC Products, Fantastic Financial opportunity too.
Christine Knights,UK
Let’s face it…the moment someone comes to you and says I have a business opportunity you normally run, but let me tell you this. Amega is the best opportunity that I have ever heard about. In only a year I have managed to pay off all my debts, get rid of nagging little health problems, and now I am buying a house.You work in an office or somewhere – you slave away day and night, day in day out, and you still have debts, you still have the illnesses…what job lets you work when you want to? Helps you get better? And helps you earn big money? Amega is a winner…and through Amega I am a winner too.Join Amega Now!
Robert James (RJ to my friends)UK
It’s a great business, low start up costs, great products and the earning potential is up to you. Amega says Health, Wealth and Happiness – Here’s how I see it ….. Health you are - wealth you make and heaps of happiness comes from the flexible hours and the ability to help and spoil your loved ones.
Robbie Watson, Edinburgh,Scotland.
Bought an Ion ‘bracelet’ as I had a shoulder injury from playing rugby. Been giving me pain for years. Got used to the pain too, even tried heat pads, nothing took the pain away. But within a couple of days the pain has completely gone. Great product. Now all the guys are asking for an Ion bracelet at the Rugby club.
Pete Tanner, Sussex,UK
Hi my name is Mark Krivokuca 18 years of age, living on the Gold Coast of Australia and I am a Tennis Player and Coach. Usually after a few sets of tennis I would start to feel very tired. However since I started using Amega Global products, my Energy has increased phenomenally. I am now able to run more and do extreme exercises longer, with very little fatigue. It is quite extraordinary, as I now feel Supercharged with increased Energy, more active and hitting Aces all day long. Thanks Amega Global, for helping me achieve a Winning formula
Mark Krivokuca,Australia
I have used the Amega Amwandand bracelets with my loved ones, friends and myself. I am amazed with the fantastic results from those who have used the products. So far, it has improved sleeping problems, constipation, indigestion, arthritis and various kinds of aches and pains. I even used the Amwand on my plants and they become healthier. I am very happy that Amega has brought my family and friends many health benefits, in addition to giving me an income.
Wendy Yeo,Singapore
When I started wearing my AMpendant what an amazing effect I got - I can feel the energy force from it as my blood circulation is better and I noticed that my face and skin has become more flawless and radiant. Not just that. The texture of my face is supple and smoother.As for the use of the titanium bracelet – it not only helped in my recovery for my knee injury. I noticed that the pain which was persistent - has all gone and I can walk without any pain. Moreover, movement has become easier too!They even tried it on a friend who has knee problems. What I did was - I placed my bracelet over her knee for half an hour. It is so amazing. She told me that all her pain went – as a result she bought a few titanium bracelets for her family members too!
Yoong Siew YingSingapore
My eldest son sustained a 10cm cut on his right leg calf and was bleeding profusely. It was on a Sunday evening and we paid $50 for treatment and was advised to go back for treatment after five days. I began applying the meridian oil around the wound, used the Amwand and asked him to use the bracelet. For the first night, my son commented that he slept without feeling any pain. By Wednesday, the wound closed up by 8cm. In two days thereafter the wound completely healed. Amazing.
Paul Anthony Fernandez,Singapore
I was first introduced to Amega products by my good friend and brother –in-law. At first I was really skeptical about the effects or benefits of this product. However through the insistence of my brother-in-law, I sat through all the talk and even participated in the strength test.I became really convinced when one of the senior members of Amega (Mr. Ragu) realized I have knee joint problem which had been tormenting me the past three years.Before, I could not walk up the stairs without severe pain but Mr. Ragu used the AMwand to “work magic” on my knee trouble and I began to feel a difference immediately after his first treatment. I reported this to them and went home. The real healing took place during the night and I felt a surge or energy in my legs and I could literally run up and down the stairs.I immediately signed up as platinum member and now helping others show I care about feeling the benefits of Amega. Thank you Amega.
My name is Subatra, I have been an asthmatic patient for the past 10 Years, I used to use an inhaler to help my breathing but after using the bracelet, my asthma was cured. Thank you so much to Amega Global for healing my asthma.My Father had a bad joint problem, all the time he took the supplement for his joint, but none of them could cure him. By using the Amega Bracelet, he has recovered from his joint problem, and it really works for my Dad too.Thank you Amega Global.
Before I wore the bracelet, my right leg couldn’t take cold water because it would be painful. After I started wearing it for three weeks, my right leg no longer suffered the effects of pain even though I soaked it in the cold water. And now, not only the pain disappeared; I am also full of energy from day to day.When I wore the Bracelet and use the AmWand. I now am able to exercise more - such as jogging, walking, playing football, playing badminton, I don’t get tired easily but just get even stronger.I bought the bracelet and Ampendant for my son, and he wears it now. Even he has noticed that he has more energy after school which is very late. He even has a good energy to play and exercise after school, he loves the Am Pendant very much.Thank You.
Foo Casey Loop,Malaysia
“AMEGA has tremendously changed my life from misery to FANSTASTIC. Today my family and I are enjoying the financial freedom and lifestyle which we have never dreamt of.”
Mrs. Janet ParkerAustralia.

"Hi Pearl,When I mentioned my painful ankle and the relatively brief relief. I was experiencing from my doctor, you suggested magnetic therapy. My response was less than enthusiastic if you remember, but I tried it. That was over one month ago and the pain relief is far more than I had hoped for. Still quite amaze by the 'magic' I do not have to seek relief from my doctor and am now able to walk for extended periods with no discomfort. It's great on the golf course. I don't golf any better, but at least now I'm pain free. Thanks!"
Patrick Cheong -Singapore

"I have been a businessman for years and never had either the money or the time. AMEGA had change all that, the training and the opportunities have brought me huge income and plenty of time to spend with my family.This is the business for me, with global networking and excellent people to work with, life is really worth living for. Thank You."
Mr. Ron WariantoIndonesia

"I was at the edge of giving up my assistant manager job which requires me work from computers for many hours which result in severe neck and back ache. I have spent hundreds of dollars on medicine but of no vain, ever since I started using your magnetic bracelet and bio balance my pain has reduce drastically and add more energy too. In fact my Husband and my mother too is using your magnetic bracelets. I wish more will know the amazing benefits. Thank you. Good job."
Mdm. Hasna Mansur -KL. Malaysia

"When I heard about magnets I had been living with pain for about a year. My arm was broken in a road accident, severing a tendon and breaking the bone. It didn’t heal right and I had constant twinges of nerve pain throughout the arm, especially after using the computer. Within about 20 minutes of wearing a magnetic bracelet the pains stopped, and now I wear one most of the time. If I go longer than 24-hours without my bracelet I can tell a difference. I have friends who wear the bracelets and no longer have trouble from knee and ankle pain. My mom swears the magnetic bracelets keep her from feeling irritating pain due to long household chores."
Mr.Robbin Summers -Brisbane Australia.

"I used it, benefited. My family used it all benefited. I suggest you use it and enjoy good health and wealth from the program."
Mr.Eton Phamers -Bangkok Thailand

"Dear Doreen,
We have been friends for more then 12 years, and I would love to continue this friendship till the end of my life. I was very pleased and overwhelm with the quality, packaging and service of AMEGA Global, that's why I'm recommending it to you.

Even though I'm not in the States now, Trust my recommendation and go ahead with the purchase (on-line), the company will organize the delivery to you directly without my involvement.

Don't forget to check out the business opportunity that comes with it. Send my regards to your family. Bye for now."

With Love, Shirley Hamilton Brisbane, Australia.

"I used it, benefited. My family used it all benefited. I suggest you use it and enjoy good health and wealth from the program."
Mr.Eton PhamersBangkok Thailand.

"For the last 20 years I suffered from migraine headache almost every day. I used to stock Panadol tablets at home and in my bag. I tried many traditional and natural medicines and went to different medical help but with no success. It was really a suffering and very uncomfortable daily routine. Until last week of March this year 2006 when my husband meet Mr. Arun Kemer from Singapore who introduces the Bio Magnetic Bracelet to both of us at his hotel accommodation in Doha. First, we were skeptical with the bracelet as we were demonstrated with immediate positive result to the body. But anyway, my husband bought 3 pieces of bracelets intended for me, for my mom and for him. I wore the bracelet almost 24 hours a day as I was advised. On the 3rd day, I was really surprised as I did not experience the headache anymore up until today. I really thank God for the Bio Magnetic Bracelet and to Mr. Kemer who introduce us into this product. Not only migraine disappears from me but also my arthritis and constipation problem. This product is truly wonderful and God given. I strongly encourage those with physical problem like mine to use this product to end the suffering."
Joveth B. JarinaDoha, Quatar

"I have been working here in Qatar since passt 8 years. Due to the busy working hours and hectic life style I have some imbalance in my body. One of my major problems is sleeping disorder, "Insomnia". It causes me headache, dizziness and tiredness in the morning. For that reason I use to take some herbal medicine preferably before going to bed which had help me improve a bit my sleep and tiredness. My very close friend GB Panyal introduce me to a Bio Magnetic Bracelet saying that it will help improve my body immune system and specially my sleeping problem. So, I willingly purchase a Bio Magnetic Bracelet and wear it on my wrist. There was no positive effect for first 2 days. I start blaming my friend GB. But on the 3rd day on the night I felt dramatic change in my system. I have experience a very good sleep after a very long time. I have not felt headache and feeling fresh the following day. Since day onward I have a very good night sleep and energetic health through out the day. I thank my friend GB so much and I wanted to share this great experience with many people who particularly suffering from similar situation. There is now a truly alternative from traditional medicine that will effectively help us to improve our health with out taking any pills. Bio Magnetic Bracelet is really a wonderful product."
Keshab Raj PaudelDoha, Quatar

"My name is Dan Nato. I’m working as an Accountant in a private company here in Doha, Qatar. My work requires me to be in front of the computer most of the time and almost everyday I have watery eyes that I wipe with handkerchief every now and then. I have also poor vision since college days but I hate to wear glasses so I just go on with the problem with my eyes. Reading magazines and watching TV especially in the night before I sleep add more pain and tears in my eyes.Bro. Remy introduced me to Amega Global and started using the Bio-Magnetic Therapeutic Titanium Bracelet last April 1, 2006. After a week of using my bracelet, I noticed that my watery eyes are gone and really felt amazed by the result. My vision also got clear and I have this extra strength that I don’t feel before without the bracelet. If you want a protection or shield on your body from sicknesses and diseases, try this bio-magnetic bracelet and you will be surprised by what this bracelet can do to your health."
Danilo NatoDoha, Quatar

"A friend from Philippines introduces me into the Bio Magnetic Bracelet product of Amega Global. Last March 22, 2006, I meet Mr. Arun Kemer a business man from Singapore at the Gulf Horizon Hotel in his room together with my wife Lou. We were given an actual product presentation. I was amazed with the positive result during the actual demonstration due to its immediate added strength that my wife and my self experience. I almost can not believe it.After wearing it for 3 days I experience that my gout in my lower left leg that use to give me an uncomfortable feeling due to the stiffness and pain gone. Since I wear the Bio Magnetic Bracelet everyday, I have never experience a bad mood, stress and exhaustion even how busy we were in our hotel restaurant business. I really enjoy the great positive feeling that the Bio magnetic bracelet has given me. I consider it as a blessing from God that I plan to share it with my children, brothers, friends and work mate in order to help them too from their suffering."
Remy J. JarinaDoha Marriott Hotel, Qatar

"My name is Khalid from Srilanka. I wish to share with you my experience in wearing the Bio Magnetic Bracelet.I have been an Asthmatic for over twenty years. There isn't a day that I don't sneeze or have a blocked or runny nose, accompanied with swelling or redness in the eyes. It comes to a point that my breath gets heavy and I have to get my self a nebulizer at the hospital frequently.After so many trial and error methods to get a cure I was made to understand that since my father was also an asthmatic I just might have to love with it. To help me continue with my normal daily life I was prescribed two tablets to be taken for the rest of my life. Presently, I am working in Qatar. The general belief is that the climatic condition in the gulf is favorable to people like me. Unfortunately, I had to even get myself hospitalized after a very bad attack of asthma. A friend of mine advised me try the Bio Magnetic Bracelet. My initial understanding was that it helps to purify the blood and subsequently gives us more healthier and energetic body.When I wore the bracelet I did feel a difference in myself. So, I decided to stop my medication for a day but prepared with the tablets in my pocket just in case I did get an attack. Believe me I don't even take the tablets with me unless some wants me to prove that I really was an asthmatic. In this case I will take the whole box of my medication and the prescription as evidence."
Ithizam KhalidDarwish Aircondition and Maintenance


"I was having chronic headache and leg pain. And I was unable to stand even for 10 minutes. But after using the Titanium Bracelet, I am able to stand and do my work continuously for more than 2 hours. Thanks to Amega for this fantastic product."
Mrs. Shiamala,Chennai

I am using Amega products (bracelet and AMWand). These products have brought cheers in my life. I feel highly energized seeing my family memebers full of energy. The AMWand has helped me to energise myself to a higher level and helped me in my meditation and also in healing my family and patients.
Dr. Vijay Mavinkurve,Valsad

Dear Sir/Madam

Just visit, you will get all the solutions regarding Health + Wealth = Happiness.

Welcome you to My Amega Website! Imagine being able to achieve better health, more wealth and having more time to enjoy it. Whatever your goals are in life, Amega and I can help you achieve them! Come and join my team with Amega and begin achieving renewed health and your financial well-being today.

International Products

* Improves Blood Circulation * Increases Body metabolism
* Releases Effects of Stress * Increases energy level

* Controls Diabetes * Stabilizes High/Low Blood

* Eases Arthritic Pain * Lowers Cholesterol Level
* Strengthen Your Immune



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